The Basics:
This year’s race is on MARCH 16th. It’s always the Sunday before St. Patrick’s Day. That gives area businesses a bigger chance for extra business – the Race, the Parade and St. Patrick’s Day. The Kid’s Race starts at 10:30 am, the Emerald Mile at 10:40 am and the Corktown 5K at 11:00 am
PLEASE NOTE: FAQs are subject to change as updates become available. For the latest updates, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
What’s new for 2025?
Our Roosevelt Park location is completed! The races will start on Michigan Avenue, and finish in front of the beautifully restored Michigan Central Station. Registration, Packet Pickup, Information, Entertainment and Runner Refreshments will be in Roosevelt Park.
Costume Prizes will continue. Join the contestants by the stage between 10 – 10:30 am.
The Corktown 5K is limited to 4,000 participants, the Dublin Double to 350.
The beer garden will now be located in the park!
Thank you for your continued support of our events.
The top 3 overall male & female, plus overall masters, grandmasters and senior runners will receive unique Irish gifts.
There are also prizes for best costumes: male and female individual, kids and overall team costumes.
cancellation policy
The Corktown Races, in accordance with race management, city officials and local law enforcement have the authority to cancel any of the events for emergency purposes such as, but not limited to, inclement weather or threat of terrorism. If such emergency conditions force cancellation, refunds cannot be provided since funds will have been spent in preparation for Race Day. T-shirts will be distributed.
As is policy with most other races, there are NO REFUNDS unless you have been double-charged or accidentally signed up more than once. You may transfer your registration to another person by notifying the Registration Director.
Canned Goods
You are encouraged to bring a few canned goods to donate to the St. Patrick’s Senior Center. There will be a booth and banner in the Vendor Tent at Roosevelt Park.
Wearing costumes for the Corktown Race is an honored tradition and highly encouraged! Prizes are given for originality and execution. Team themes are especially welcome. The costume judging will take place between 10:00 and 10:30 AM at the Vendor Tent stage.
Date of Race
Sunday, March 16, 2025 - it's the 42nd Anniversary of the Corktown Races. Our events are always the Sunday before St. Patrick’s Day.
Due to safety issues on the course, we will no longer be able to let dogs in the race. You’re welcome to bring them to the park on a leash, just not on the course.
Dublin Double
The Double is a combination race – you compete in both the Emerald Mile and the Corktown 5K. You receive a unique timing bib and finishers medal.
You will start the Emerald Mile at 10:40 am in the wave you chose on registering. As you cross the finish line DO NOT TAKE A MEDAL. Go back to Michigan Avenue to line up in your wave for the 5K, beginning at 11:00 am. As you approach the finish line after the 5K, look for the “Dublin Double” sign on the left, and listen to the announcer. They will direct you to your two medals.
The Cork Town Race group page on Facebook is the best place to find last minute changes, updates and information about the race - both before and after. Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/264617490907/
Finish Line
The Finish is located in front of the Michigan Central Station on Lacombe Street. You will receive your medal as you exit the finish chutes. Please continue moving through the chutes to the end. Do not wait for friends and/or family in the chutes; please do that in the park or nearby. (See "Meeting Friends & Family")
Entertainment and photo Ops
We have music stations on the course. We encourage you to take photos at the giant inflatable Irish Hat and photo back drops. Big Head leprechauns from The Parade Company will be roaming through Roosevelt Park. Selfies are free! Irish Step Dancers will be performing in front of the Sound Stage.
Runner refreshments (food & Absopure® water) will be available in the tents directly after you exit the finish chutes. Look for fruit and snacks. There might be an adult beverage for finishers (21 & older) nearby. Vendors will be set up adjacent to Roosevelt Park for spectators and runners alike. Local bars and restaurants will also be open.
The Fraternal Order of United Irishmen are the organizers and one of the main sponsors of the Corktown Races.
Gear Check
We do not offer Gear Check. Parking is generally close enough to leave your gear and valuables locked in your vehicle.
Volunteers at the Help Desk will assist you with registration-related problems - lost & forgotten bibs, double charges, incorrect data, etc. The Help Desk is in the big Registration tent.
There will be a Corktown Race "Information" table under the big registration tent. We can answer most of your questions about the event. There will also be several roving Info Volunteers available to answer questions. These rangers will be dressed in brightly colored, easily recognized uniforms.
The Downtown Runners and Walkers have been the host club for more than a dozen years. They meet every Tuesday at a pub in Detroit. See their Facebook page for their schedule.
Kids Run
It's about a quarter of a mile course and strictly for kids, although we encourage adults to walk alongside the toddlers.
Late Registration (Race Day Registration)
Late registration will take place at the big tent on Sunday morning, beginning at approximately 9:00 am. Look for the "Race Day Registration" signs. Payment is by CASH OR CHECK ONLY (made out to F.O.U.I.). NO CHARGE OR DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED. We cannot guarantee shirts to race day registrants.
Race Day Fees: 5K: $50; 1 Mile: $25; Dublin Double (1 Mile & 5K): $60; Kids Run: $20.
"Lost & Found" is located at the Sound Stage. Any found items such as keys, phones or radios should be turned into the volunteers there. While the Corktown Race is not responsible for lost or stolen items, we will make every effort to return any items brought to us. Check with us for any items missing after your race. Since parking is available close by, we suggest leaving valuables locked in your vehicle's trunk.
There will be medals for the first 3,500 finishers. We had many medals left over last year and don’t anticipate problems this year. Dublin Doublers will additionally receive a unique medal for completing the Emerald Mile and the Corktown 5K.
Hart Medical services the Corktown event. There will be a First Aid vehicle just past the finish line. Emergency Volunteers (with bright green or yellow coats and hats) are located around the course. If you need to stop during the race, please alert the closest emergency volunteer if you cannot make it back to Roosevelt Park. The Information table also keeps a small first aid kit, with bandages, aspirin, etc.
Meeting Friends & Family
You should agree on a post-race meeting location before beginning your race - east side of the beer tent, at the “Found Persons” flag, your vehicle, the Information table, etc. You may use your cell phone, carry a sign or distinctive balloon, or make a unique sound - bagpipes might work. "At the finish line" will definitely NOT work, not with 3,500 participants expected - most of them wearing green. Plan ahead. We do not make announcements for individuals you cannot find.
For those new to racing, a "packet" consists of your bib number and t-shirt. Bib numbers are worn on your front (jacket, shirt, shorts, etc.). The timing tag is on the back of the bib (5K and Double). Safety pins are available to secure the bibs.
Make sure your bibs are visible as you cross the finish line. You will also need your bib to partake of the adult beverage (21 and older).
You may pick up your packets at six convenient locations from Saturday March 8th through 6:00 PM Friday, March 14th. There is NO pickup anywhere on Saturday, March 15th. Race day pickup begins at 9:00 AM Sunday, March 16th, at the big Registration Tent. If pre-registered, and if you did not pick up your packet in advance, computers will be available to look up your race number in the Registration tent on Sunday morning. NOTE: there can be a back-up at the kiosks. Do not wait until the last minute.
For those new to racing, a "packet" consists of your bib number and t-shirt. Bib numbers are worn on your front (jacket, shirt, shorts, etc.). The timing tag is on the back of the bib. Safety pins are available to secure the bibs.
Parking on Race Day
Their is convenient parking near Roosevelt Park. We will publish locations once they are confirmed. The earlier you arrive, the easier it is to find parking. Be aware that several streets in the Corktown area are shut down, before and during the races and parade.
If you are running/walking the 5K or the Dublin Double, your race bib contains a square QR code (a computerized identification symbol). After you finish your races, the code may be scanned by a free smartphone app. There are several available. This code will give you your race results. You may also ask one of our Information volunteers to scan for you.
Race Results
Results will be posted online later Sunday at East Side Racing. After finishing, the QR code on your bib may be scanned for results.
As with other races, we have a no refund, transfer or deferment policy for all race entries, unless you have been double billed. If you cannot participate, you or a friend may still pick up your shirt prior to the race at one of the satellite locations, or on race day. We do not mail out shirts if you cannot attend.
In-person registration is available at five of six satellite locations during Advance Packet Pickup through 6:00 pm Friday, March 14th. (There is no onsite registration at McShane’s Pub).
Online registration is available through 11:59 PM, Friday, March 14th from www.corktownrace.com.
There is NO registration on Saturday, March 15th. Race Day registration begins at 9:00 AM Sunday morning, March 16th in the Registration tent.
roosevelt pARK
Located at Michigan Avenue and Vernor, Roosevelt Park has been totally renovated.
Skateboards, Rollerblades, Bikes, etc.
These modes of covering the course are a safety issue and NOT permitted. Please keep them off the course.
Starting Line
The starting line returns to Michigan Avenue just west of Vernor Hwy.
Starting Times
9:00 AM – Registration & Packet Pickup Opens
10:30 AM – Kid’s ¼ Mile Start
10:40 AM – Emerald Mile Start
11:00 AM – BB&E Corktown 5K Race
11:30 AM – Approximate Start of Awards Ceremony Insurance
11:30 AM – Approximate Start of Awards Ceremony
The St. Patrick’s Parade begins at 1 PM.
strollers / joggers
We are stroller and jogger friendly. We do ask that you start near the back of your wave. As always, be mindful of other participants.
This year, there will be two large tents in Roosevelt Park. One will contain Registration, Pickup, Information, and the Help Desk, as in previous years. There will be a second Vendor Tent with merchandise sales and informational vendors, as well as the volunteer check-in and food donations.
The Corktown Race uses "B" tags for timing the 5K. They are attached to the back of your bib number. Do not remove or fold the tag from the back of the bib. Both the mile and 5K are timed for the Dublin Double.
The Emerald Mile and Kids Run are clock-timed only – you need to mark your own start and finish times.
T-Shirt Exchange
Bring your unworn Corktown Races shirt to the race day registration table. IF your new size is still available, you'll be able to exchange. There are NO shirt exchanges at the satellite locations.
We couldn't have the race without you, and we can always use more volunteers. If you, or someone you know is interested, please email Julie Maurer at Julie.barnesmaurer@gmail.com. You may also sign-up online at: https://www.hugheswarevolunteersystem.com/become_a_volunteer/2025-st-patricks-parade-corktown-race. Or just stop by the "Volunteer Check-in" tent on Sunday morning. For identification, all volunteers will be wearing bright yellow/green vests.
Wave Start
To ease congestion, we have divided 5K participants into 4 waves – yellow, blue, green and white, based on your estimate of how long it takes you go run/walk a mile. You entered this on your registration form. The yellow wave will line up first, with blue runners grouped behind them, then green followed by the white wave. Once the yellow wave has cleared the start area, the blue group will be brought forward to start. Likewise for the green and white waves. If you are not in your wave when it begins to move forward, you will have to enter a later wave.
There is no requirement that you MUST run/walk at the pace you selected.
The Corktown Races go on rain, shine, wind or snow. Dress appropriately. Layers are recommended. Shelter at the start is very limited. If the weather is not pleasant, you may want to wait in your vehicle until closer to your starting time. If you need to pick up your packet Sunday morning, do that upon arrival and then return to your vehicle if needed to keep warm or dry.
There just might be handcrafted ales from Motor City Brewing Works. But, you didn't hear that from us.
Contact Us
For questions, comments and suggestions about the race, please email corktownrace@gmail.com
Course Closes
The Start Line closes at 11:25, or whenever the last wave crosses. Teardown begins immediately. Because of the St. Patrick's Parade, the entire course must be cleared by 12:30 PM.
Deadlines for Registration
Mail-in, online and satellite registration closes at 6:00 PM on Friday, March 8th. There will be registration before the race on Sunday, March 10th beginning at 9:00 AM at Pine and Cochran. Pre-registered packets may also be picked up at this time. Cash or check only - NO charge cards. Checks should be made out to "F.O.U.I." There is NO registration on Saturday, March 9th.
When registering, you may include a donation to the St. Patrick's Senior Center. You are also encouraged to donate canned goods to St. Patrick's Senior Center. There will be booths and photo backdrops next to the Sound Stage.
Entry Fees
Before March 1st
5K: $40
1 Mile: $20
Dublin Double (1 Mile & 5K): $50
Kids Run: $15
Thru March 14
5K: $45
1 Mile: $25
Dublin Double (1 Mile & 5K): $55
Kids Run: $20
Race Day
5K: $50
1 Mile: $25
Dublin Double (1 Mile & 5K): $60
Kids Run: $25
Friends Picking up Packets and Vice-Versa
You may pick up a friend's packet (or vice versa). You will need the name and ZIPCODE of that person. (That zip code is important.)
There will be a Corktown Race "Information" table under the big registration tent. We can answer most of your questions about the event. There will also be several roving Info Volunteers available to answer questions. These rangers will be dressed in brightly colored, easily-recognized uniforms. Host Club
Medical Support
Hart Medical services the Corktown event. There will be a First Aid table in the vendor area (look for the red flutter flag). Emergency Volunteers (with bright green hats) are located around the course. If you need to stop during the race, please alert the closest emergency volunteer if you cannot make it back to Roosevelt Park. The Information table also keeps a small first aid kit, with bandages, aspirin, etc.
There will be 50 porta-potties in the Finish Area at
Pine and Cochran. A few near the Area at Pine and Wabash. And two near the water station. There will be a few others along the St. Patrick's Parade route.
St. Patrick’s Parade
This year marks the 65th Annual Detroit Corktown St. Patrick’s Parade. It begins at 1pm on Michigan Ave. just west of the Lodge Fwy. and marches west past the Police Athletic League Stadium to 14th St. More information on the Parade can be found at: http://www.detroitstpatricksparade.com
Vendor Tent
This year, some vendors, volunteer check-in, merchandise and race results will be located in a large tent at Pine and Cochrane. Look for the flutter flags and signage. Food trucks will be at Pine and Harrison, just past the finish line.
Walkers are definitely encouraged to participate! Just remember that because of the St. Patrick's Parade, the course must be cleared by 12:30 PM.
Water is available at the Finish, and on the course.